
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:56 Hours


The 36th color blessing ceremony of The Gemunu watch was held on15 August 2016, covering all the Sacred places of Kiriwehera Katharagama , Kataragama Dewalaya and Ashta Pala Bodhiya under the patronage of the Maha Sanga and Col of the Regt Major General PUS Vithanage RSP ndu. On 15 August 1980 Colours were awarded to 1 GW and the other two Volunteer Battalions of the Gemunu Watch for loyal and distinguished services rendered to the Nation, by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and President of Sri Lanka, His Excellency Hon. J.R. Jayawardena at an impressive and colourful Parade held at the Galle Esplanade. The Parade was commanded by Lieut. Colonel. P. Pakshaweera of 1 GW. Later, former President presented the President’s and Regimental colours to the Regimental Centre The Gemunu Watch and re award new President’s and Regimental colours to the Diyatalawa- based First, Galle-based Second (Volunteer) and Matara-based Third (Volunteer) Battalions of the Gemunu Watch on August 15 at the Gemunu Watch Regimental Headquarters at Kuruwita. Flags of the Regular and Volunteer battalions across the country that symbolize the dignity of the Gemunu Watch were displayed in procession by the representative officers of each Battalion.Many Senior and Junior, serving and retired officers and other rankers and their families participated for this event. The Maha Sanga chanted Seth Pirith invoking blessings for colours. The alms giving on16 August 2016 conclude the event.