
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

23rd January 2018 15:16:49 Hours


[News courtesy : www.cimicjaffna.com -2014-02-24] Children at “Vaazhvaham”, home for visually handicapped in Chunnakam had a day full of fun with soldiers when solders of 14th Gemunu Watch (14 GW) visited their home recently. On directives of Commander Security Force – Jaffna (SF-J) Major General Udaya Perera, Commander 513 Brigade Brigadier Priyantha Perera and Commanding Officer 14 GW Lieutenant Colonel M.G.G.W. Rohana took the 14 GW Calypso with which inmates of Vaazvaham sang and danced on February 16th. Before lunch was served to children, members of the staff and workers by the 14 GW soldiers, Brigade Commander had a chat with children and Mr. A. Ravindranath, lecturer at college of education Koppay and Head of “Vaazhvaham”. Mr. Ravindranath, since his childhood, was educated at Vaazhvaham. The previous day, troops of 14 GW cleaned the basketball court and the playground of Konapuram Open Welfare Center. Leader of the Welfare Center Mr. Muththuthurai Imbarasa and residents assisted the Army in the shramadana. 14 GW troops also conducted another shramadana to clean the buildings and the premises of Fathima catholic church of Pandathirippu.