
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

12th Battalion the Gemunu Watch

As per the direction of Commander SF (J), Maj Gen D D U K Hettiarachchi RSP USP ndu psc, the 12GW organized a computer donation programme on 20th july 2017 at Nawatkuli maha vidyalaya and donated 3 computers for the use of children of Nawatkiuli maha vidyalaya.

Maj Gen W A Wanniarachchi WWV RWP RSP ndc psc (GOC 52 Division), Brig D M T Dissanayake RSP (Commander 523 Brigade) and Lt Col R K A R P Ratnayake RSP USP psc (Commanding Officer 12 GW) participated for the event and those computers were handed over to school children by GOC 52 Division.

On a direction of Commander SF( J ), Maj Gen D D U K Hettiarachchi RSP USP ndu psc and under the supervision of Commander 523 Brigade Brig D M T Dissanayake RSP, 12th Battalion the Gemunu Watch has launched a water distributing programme for the civilians around Navatkuli- Jaffna area due to the prevailing scarcity of drinking water due to present day drought .The programme is as follows.

Supply of drinking water with 2 water tanks (2000 L) in Nawatkuli village.(thrice a week)
Supply of drinking water thrice a week establishing a water tanks (2000 L) in "300 housing scheme".
Supply of drinking water thrice a week by a bowser for the villagers who are living around Koillakkandy village.
Supply of drinking water thrice a week to water tank at Nawatkuli School which was constructed by 522 Brigade for the use of school children's.

Former Commanding Officers:

Srl No Rank Name From To
1 Lt col AADNSP Dunuwila RSP 2007.11.16 2009.02.25
2 Lt Col KPDN Chandrasena RSP 2009.02.25 2011.08.30
3 Lt Col MM Salwathura 2011.08.30 2014.01.22
4 Lt Col NH Malsinghe RWP RSP psc 2014.01.22 2016.01.28
5 Lt Col RKARP Rathnayake RSP psc 2016.01.28 2018.02.19
6 Lt Col B K Thrimanna Vithanage RWP RSP 2018.02.16 2020.02.25
7 Lt Col GTD Kumara RSP 2020.02.26 2022.02.06
8 Maj RASL Ranasinghe RWP RSP USP 2022.02.03 Up to date