
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

03rd June 2021 06:43:37 Hours

With Private Company Sponsorship, West Troops Prepare Corona Ward at Avissawella

Troops of the Security Force HQ - West renovated a dilapidated Ward for COVID-19 patients in the Avissawella Base Hospital which could accommodate 40 beds and formally vested it in the authorities on Monday (31) by Major General Vikum Liyanage, Commander Security Forces –West for patients as one more project.

General Shavendra Silva, Head, NOCPCO, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army the brainchild behind enhancing of the bed capacity and ICCs in line with the sudden increase of infected ones around the county, instructed Major General Vikum Liyanage, Commander Security Forces - West to take prompt action for renovation of this separate COVID-19 Ward.

Midas Safety Private Limited through coordination of the Chief of Staff in consultation with General Shavendra Silva, Commander of the Army provided medical equipment to the value of some Rs 2.3 m through the contact of Major (Retd) Roshan Jayawardena who coordinated the sponsorship on behalf of the Midas Safety Private Ltd.

The renovated ward is now functional beginning Tuesday (1) manned by medical staff at Avissawella Base Hospital.

Brigadier Roshan Jayamanna, District Coordinator for Ratnapura for COVID-19 outbreak, Major (Retd) Roshan Jayawardena, Health Officials and few senior officers of the SFHQ-West graced the event.

Source: www.army.lk