
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

04th May 2021 08:39:17 Hours

Trincomalee District Coordinating Committee Reviews COVID-19 Status quo

Trincomalee District Coordinating Committee for prevention of COVID-19 pandemic assembled at the District Secretariat in Trincomalee on Wednesday (28) presided by the District Secretary, Trincomalee Mr. Saman Dharshana Padikorala and District Coordinating Officer, Major General Samantha Silva, the General Officer Commanding 22 Division.

Major General Samantha Silva had a lengthy discussion with the stakeholders regarding further measures to be taken in Trincomalee district to mitigate the sudden spread of current 3rd wave of the pandemic and paid their special attention on implementing a proper mechanism in this regard with the coordination of security forces, government and health authorities.

Commanders of 221, 222 and 223 Brigades, Senior Superintendent of Police - Kanthale, Regional Director of Health Services - Trincomalee, Director - Trincomalee Hospital, Regional Epidemiologist - Trincomalee and Officials of Disaster Management Center - Trincomalee also participated in the conference.

Source: www.army.lk