
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

28th April 2021 08:24:56 Hours

Experts Discuss Emergency Strategies & Contingency Plans

Health Experts, Medical Administrators, Epidemiologists, University dons and technical authorities in the Health Department this afternoon (27) at the National Operations Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) deeply analysed the fast emerging COVID-19 third wave upsurge trends in the country and her possible contingency plans and future strategies in the wake of detection of more and more COVID-19 victims from all corners of the island.

Presided by General Shavendra Silva, Head, NOCPCO, Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army and Dr Asela Gunawardena, Medical Specialist and Director General of Health Services, the special gathering of experts in the Task Force focused on the enhancement of capacity of island-wide hospitals, number of beds and medical equipment, manpower, medical supplies, use of protective equipment and availability, variants of the virus, standby operations, deployment of medical officers and staff, etc in case of any emergency.

The meeting sought possibilities for availability of alternative ideal locations for facilitation of such emergency needs as reserves and stressed the need to continue such services without any lapse or impediments. Those experts shared their views and concerns, related to respective preventive medical aspects at operational level and collectively agreed to rise to the occasion at this critical hour of our history.

Dr Ananda Wijewickrama, Consultant Physician, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (IDH), Professor Manoj Weerasinghe, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Colombo, Dr M. Hamdani, Director Medical Technology and Heath Ministry's Coordinator in charge of the COVID-19 control, Dr. Eranga Narangoda, Consultant Physician Base Hospital Homagama, Dr. Upul Dissanayaka, Consultant Physician at National Hospital Sri Lanka, Dr Sudath Samaraweera, Chief Epidemiologist, Dr Mahendra Arnold, Deputy Director General Public Health Services, Prof Athula Sumathipala, Professor of Physicality School of Medicine Faculty of Health Sciences Keele University and a few experts were associated with the meeting.

Brigadier Chandana Arangalla, Coordinator at NOCPCO, Brigadier Nilantha Premarathna, Director Media at Army HQ and Colonel Dr Saveen Semage were also present during the meeting.