
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

27th March 2020 10:54:06 Hours

Punani, Kandakadu, Meeyankulam & Diyatalawa QCs Allow 223 More Returnees to Go Home

The third batch of 223 returnees who underwent the two-week long quarantine process at Punani (125), Kandakadu (42), Meeyankulam (18) and Diyatalawa (38 including 04 foreigners 2 Iran, 2 Korea) Quarantine Centres (QCs) left for home this morning (26) from respective locations after completion of medical procedures and receipt of Quarantine Certificates.

The groups, segregated according to their residential towns were provided with Army transport facilities for their destinations in Galle, Colombo, Kandy and Matara areas. In addition, troops supplied them with snacks, water and lunch packets on their way with special focus on infants and kids.

Respective Commanding Officers at those QCs, Officers and Other Ranks were there to see them off upon successful completion of their quarantine period.

Source: www.army.lk