
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

07th May 2021 22:55:35 Hours

One More Intermediate Care Centre Opened in Madurankuliya

Troops of the Security Force Headquarters - West contributing to NOCPCO's preventive mechanism and responding to sudden emergence of new positive cases of COVID - 19 has just converted Mercy Education Campus in Madurankuliya to be an Intermediate Care Center ( ICC) to treat victims.

The initial work of the Intermediate Treatment Center was over on Tuesday (4) under the guidance of Major General Vikum Liyanage, Commander Security Forces-West and Major General Sujeewa Senerath Yapa, General Officer Commanding, 14 Division in order to provide a coordinated response to the present 3rd wave of the virus while strengthening the capacity of the health care system in the event of any sudden increase.

The project is being conducted under the close supervision of Brigadier Sajith Liyanage, Commander 143 Brigade and with 16 Gajaba Regiment troops.

Further, the Commander 143 Brigade had a lengthy discussion with health authorities and several Army officers on the proper function of the mechanism, executed to mitigate the spread of the virus in the area.

Source: www.army.lk