
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

18th June 2020 11:40:23 Hours

NOCPCO Head Briefs Colombo-based Defence Attaches/Advisers on Sri Lanka's Near Successful Fight against COVID-19

Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO), Chief of Defence Staff and Commander of the Army presented a comprehensive update on the status quo as regards the COVID-19 outbreak and its control in Sri Lanka to a consortium of Defence Attaches/Advisers from eight foreign missions in Sri Lanka when they called at the Army HQ this afternoon (16).

Commodore Syed M. Hakim, Defence Adviser of the Bangladesh High Commission, Captain Ashok Rao, Defence Advisor of the High Commission of India, Lieutenant Colonel R. S Mishra, Assistant Defence Advisor, High Commission of India, Captain Gaku Fukaura, Defence / Security Attaché, Embassy of Japan, Lieutenant Colonel Ismail Naseer, Defence Adviser, High Commission of Maldives, Colonel Sajjad Ali, Defence Adviser of the High Commission of Pakistan, Colonel Denis I. Shkoda, Military Air & Naval Attaché, Embassy of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant Colonel Travis Ray Cox, Defence & Army Attaché, Embassy of the United States of America, Senior Colonel Wan Dong, Military Attaché in the Embassy of the People's Republic of China (PRC) and Lieutenant Colonel Chang Qianjin, Military Attaché', Embassy of the PRC were among those foreign delegates.

During this special meeting, they listened to the Head, NOCPCO where he summed up hitherto accomplished national tasks, preventive and precautionary measures, conduct of quarantine procedures and quarantine centres, management of risky and infected groups, challenges and setbacks, improvements and future forecasts, post COVID-19 issues, international impact, role of tri service medical personnel, cluster outbreaks, infected expatriates and foreign personnel and future challenges ahead, etc.

Those diplomats in return expressed their thankfulness for inviting them for a fruitful discussion of this nature once again, despite the Commander's busy schedules and commended the armed forces of Sri Lanka as well as health officials/workers for their distinguished roles in the fight against COVID-19.

Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, acknowledging the general contingency support given by friendly countries in the fight against COVID-19 in Sri Lanka requested them to convey Sri Lanka's best compliments and regards to their respective governments since the day-one of the entire operation has been readily supported by HE the President, Hon Prime Minister, Health Minister, Secretary of Defence, Director General of Health Services, Medical staff, PHI, health workers and other all stakeholders.

The meeting was facilitated at the request of the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of Foreign Relations. Major General Harendra Ranasingha, Director General Operations, Major General Nishantha Herath, Director General Training and Colonel Vipula Chandrasiri, Brigadier Coordinator at NOCPCO were also associated with the meet at the Commander's office.

Source: www.army.lk