
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

16th April 2020 06:48:51 Hours

More & More PCR Test Medical Results Awaited - Lt Gen Shavendra Silva

Lieutenant General Shavendra Silva, Head of the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) in a video clip released to the Media this evening (15) had this to say:

“51 more quarantined personnel left from Army-managed Diyatalawa and Kahagolla Quarantine Centres (QCs) today (15) after completion of PCR tests. Up to-date, 3701 personnel after completion of quarantining in tri service-managed Quarantine Centers have left those places for home. At present, 1431 individuals are in quarantine in 12 Army-managed QCs and 4 Navy-managed QCs.”

“We carried out 190 PCR tests on the individuals at Punani QC during the day (15) and 788 similar PCR tests were conducted during 11-14 April at Punani QC. Today, we received results of 378 test reports and the rest would come to us tomorrow.”

“Yesterday alone we found 15 COVID-19 positive cases through PCR tests. What was special in that was all of them were from QCs and not from any outside areas. Those confirmed have not at all shown any symptoms of the viral disease and this was something special. A breakdown of detection of the cases is as follows.”

Meanwhile, Tri forces and the Police music bands would continue to conduct mind healing music shows. One more takes place in Kompannaveediya this evening near flats.

Here follows the full video of the statement;

Source: www.army.lk