
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

03rd June 2021 06:51:23 Hours

Jaffna Troops to Assist Conduct of Vaccination Centres

The formal handover of the first consignment of Sinopharm vaccine doses in the Jaffna peninsula took place on Sunday (30) at the Nurses' Training School in Jaffna in the presence of Hon Minister Douglas Devananda, Regional Director of Health Services, District Secretary, Commander, Security Forces - Jaffna and a representative gathering.

The vaccination process commenced after a few minutes at the same location and in some other 36 locations across the peninsula. Frontline Health workers and civilians will receive the first jab during this session.

Troops of the Security Force HQ - Jaffna will assist conduct of those vaccination centres across the peninsula.

Source: www.army.lk