
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

06th May 2021 16:41:19 Hours

Emergency Preparations for COVID-19 in East Inspected

In the wake of fast transmission of the COVID - 19 virus in its 3rd wave, Major General Channa Weerasuriya, Commander, Security Forces-East on Tuesday (4) visited the 24 Division HQ in Ampara and the Quarantine Centre at Norochcholai with the intention of reviewing the status quo and seeking possibilities for enhancing capacity to take more patients and affectees in an emergency.

The Commander Security Forces-East, initially had a conference with the officers of the 24 Division and gave the necessary instructions and motivated them highlighting the responsibility of defeating the spread of COVID 19 pandemic as a national cause. He further elaborated on the proper function of a mechanism to curtail the virus in coordination with the government and health authorities in the area.

Later on, Major General Channa Weerasuriya, together with the General Officer Commanding 24 Division Major General Chaminda Lamahewa and senior officers visited the Quarantine Centre at Norochcholai and inspected the availability of facilities to convert it into an Intermediate Care Center in near future while giving necessary instructions to the authorities.

Further, the Commander SF-East had a lengthy discussion with the Regional Department of Health Services (RDHS) Ampara, Dr. S.P.A. P Serasinghe and RDHS Kalmunai, Dr. G Sukunan on the proper function of the mechanism, executed to mitigate the spread of the virus in the area.

Source: www.army.lk