
National Operation Centre for Prevention of
COVID - 19 Outbreak

12th August 2021 12:08:58 Hours

All Above 60 Years Urged to Receive Vaccines - NOCPCO

All those above 60 years of age with serious illnesses in the Western Province who have still not got the first dose of Sinopharm vaccine are advised to receive their vaccinations effective from tomorrow (11), states the National Operation Centre for Prevention of COVID-19 Outbreak (NOCPCO) in a Media Statement.

The NOCPCO has a database on all those who are affected with serious illnesses in the Western Province and all of them would be informed of the vaccination programme through SMS with details including date of vaccination, venue and time to arrive.

The vaccination centers of respective districts in the Western Province are as follows;

Colombo District: Army Hospital Colombo during 11- 13 August

Gampaha District: District Hospital, Gampaha during 12 - 14 August

Kalutara District: Hospital Kalutara on 12 August

If any citizen above 60 years of age in the Western Province has not so far provided details to get vaccinations, they can directly contact the NOCPCO through 1906 toll free contact number and receive information. (Ends)

Source: www.army.lk