



With the total eradication of terrorism from the motherland, the Army wanted to shift its training strategy and training focus aligned with the theme Scholar Warrior. Thereby, the need of the Officers of the Sri Lanka Army to be orientated with the concept of Scholar Warrior being identified and training concepts were developed to suit this requirement. It was further identified the requirement to establish an institute for training Officers and Senior Non Commissioned Officers in the fields of Logistics and administration. The Army School of Logistics was inaugurated on 9th May 2011 in order to fulfill this much awaited requirement, with the view of resurrecting the logisticians with acquaintance of modern theories and practices of logistics planning and management.

Apart from being a training institution that imparts necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes of Officers and Non Commissioned Officers mainly in logistics and management studies etc, it is necessary, in order to be in par with other professional armies' higher learning institutions. Thereby this school also aims to provide a forum for discussion on the science of land / naval / air logistics, national and international security affairs, logistics doctrine, other topics of significant and current interest to the defence services, a missing component that the Sri Lanka Army has been experiencing for a long time.

The Army School of Logistics conducts three main courses namely the Logistics Staff Course, the Junior Officers' Logistics Course and the Senior Non Commissioned Officers' Logistics Course. The number of courses conducted and number of Officers/ Senior Non Commissioned Officers graduated/qualified are as indicated below:

Ser Name of the Course No of Courses Conducted No of Participants Per Course
1 Logistics Staff Course 09 269
2 Junior Officers' Logistics Course 20 394
3 Senior Non Commissioned Officers' Logistics Course 24 848
4 Quarter Master Commissioning Course 06 274

The Army school of Logistics is accredited to the General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University to award the Post Graduate Diploma in Logistics Management, to be awarded for the successful participants of the Logistics Staff Course. Furthermore the School has initiated required perquisites to upgrade the Post Graduate Diploma presently awarded to a Master of Business Administration in Logistics Management and ready to award it commencing from the Logistics Staff Course 3. Moreover in order to add more scope to the Junior Officers' Logistics Course, the School is in the process of introducing a Post Graduate Diploma in Advance Military Logistics Studies to the Successful participants commencing from year 2017.