
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

17th June 2024 12:07:14 Hours


Security Forces - West organized an event in the Ratnapura and Kegalle districts bringing together retired War Veterans and their families on 02 June 2024. The primary objective was to assess their wellbeing and address administrative issues they may have encountered. Hon. Premitha Bandara Tennakoon, the State Minister of Defence, honored the occasion as the chief guest.

At the onset, seven Directorates of Army Headquarters, including the Directorate of Pay & Records, the Directorate of Army Benevolent Fund, the Directorate of Personnel Administration, the Directorate of Legal Services Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, the Directorate of Welfare, the Directorate of Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation and the Directorate of Army Medical Services, established help desks to assist War Veterans in reporting complaints and providing relevant information.

Major General S.W.M Fernando WWV RWP RSP VSV USP ndc psc, the Commander of Security Forces - West, warmly welcomed the chief guest. A short documentary showcasing Army Welfare and Rehabilitation processes was presented to the attendees. Following this, the gathering observed a moment of silence to honour fallen War Heroes, followed by the recitation of the Army song.

In his address, the State Minister of Defence paid tribute to the sacrifices of the fallen War Heroes and expressed gratitude to all attendees for their dedicated service to the nation. He also commended the bravery and discipline exhibited by the Army troops. Subsequently, participants were invited to share their thoughts and experiences.

Major General W.W .H. R .R .V. M .N .D .K B Niyangoda RWP RSP VSV USP ndu psc the Adjutant General, Major General S.W.B Welagedara RSP VSV USP ndc the Colonel Commandant of Gemunu Watch, Senior Officers, government officials, 610 War Veterans and their families participated in the programme.