
The Gemunu Watch

Tarry Not Forward

10th July 2024 12:15:19 Hours


Lieutenant General Vikum Liyanage RWP RSP ndu, Commander of the Army, visited the Regimental Headquarters of the Gemunu Watch (GW) on 05 July 2024.

The Commander of the Army was warmly welcomed by Major General S.W.B. Welagedara RSP VSV USP ndc, Director General Infantry and Colonel of the Regiment of GW, along with the Centre Commandant of GW. Subsequently, the Army Chief was accorded a Guard Turnout at the main entrance followed by the ceremonial Guard of Honour. Later on, the Commander paid tribute to fallen War Heroes by laying floral wreath at the Regimental monument. Following this, the Colonel of the Regiment of GW delivered the welcome speech and introductory speech was made by Air Mobile Brigade Commander.

Afterwards, the Army Chief addressed the troops of GW, delivering encouraging and appreciative remarks. His remarks emphasized the importance of maintaining discipline and integrity, and encouraged personnel to uphold the highest standards of conduct and accountability. Additionally, he addressed the matter of misinformation related to the Army, cautioning against the spread of false news on social media. He also expressed gratitude to the Colonel of the Regiment, all Officers and Other Ranks for successfully arranging the event.

The event featured the presentation of special mementoes to the Army Chief by the Colonel of the Regiment. Following this, the Commander of the Army handed over a monetary donation to the Colonel of the Regiment to utilize for welfare purposes and to promote sports in the Regiment. Additionally, the Army Chief presented a commemorative plaque to the Colonel of the Regiment in order to mark his visit to the Regimental Headquarters of the Gemunu Watch.

Later on, the Army Chief planted a sapling at the main entrance and joined the customary tea arrangement. The visit concluded with the inauguration of the newly constructed pavilion at the playground. Before departing, the Commander of the Army penned down some complimentary remarks in the visitors' book.

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