Army Training School Celebrated the 70th Independence day under the patronage of the Commandant – ATS, Brigadier H J Seneviratne RWP RSP ndu on 04 February 2018. A tree planting programme (100 x Kumbuk (Terminalia arjuna) & Kaluwara (Ceylon Ebony) plants was launched at 0600 hrs with the participation of all officers and other ranks of ATS. The Commandant hoisted the National Flag and a two-minute silence was observed to commemorate the patriots who had sacrificed their lives for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. Meanwhile, necessary arrangements were made for all soldiers to witness the live Television programme of National Independence day celebration at the Gall Face Green in Colombo. Thereafter, ATS gave its helping hand to a Student of PO/Kandegama MahaViddyalaya who showed her talents in provincial level athletics.